Name: Day by Day Genre: Visual novel, 3DCG, Female protagonist, Animated, Blackmail, Creampie, Exhibitionism, Groping, Masturbation, Milf, Oral sex, Sex toys, Teasing, Vaginal sex, School setting Version: 0.2.2 Censorship: No Author: ReplayTech Last updated: 10 December 2023 Language: English Made in: Ren'Py Size: 2,57 GB 7Z / 2,81 GB UN7Z
About game
In Day by Day the story revolves around four characters, who fled Italy due to mafia problems. The game is set a decade after their arrival in the US and begins with Alice (rename). The four protagonists, now accustomed to their new life, will face new problems. Any action taken with each character will change the storyline for the other three.
- Fixed forced strings related to version 0.0.x - Fixed a potential crash on Juliette path - Fixed panty bug - Fixed hint texts - Review of some texts
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