Name: Delta Zone Genre: 3D Game, Female protagonist, Sci-Fi, Animated, Adventure, Big tits, Masturbation, Oral sex, Vaginal sex Version: 19.0 + Crack Censorship: No Author: DEVOLUTION Last updated: 9 May 2024 Language: English Made in: Unreal Engine Size: 11,5 GB 7Z
About game
DELTA ZONE is a completely NSFW-UNCENSORED cyberpunk-themed FPS game with high-quality graphics, deep gameplay, and explicit animations. Your play as Ivy, and you have to survive in Delta Zone, an area infested by monsters, occupied by rogue raiders, and other dangers. You will be able to build weapons, modify yourself with cyberware, loot, craft trade work at a strip club, and modify Ivy's face.
UserID codes Release 15.1: nsfw
two new sets of x-animation for human in progress (one giveup, one h-attack) added new green color of tentacles (they lay eggs directly) tentacles have different behavior, don't attack immediately (if Ivy walks slowly and doesn't shoot) based on Ivy clothes amount, tentacles during struggle either bite or damage clothes tetacles now can slither on surface of water/mud when non-aggressive better boobs bounce on running ivy anim (animation improved/fixed) added ass bounce to running anim
third person view combat mode cheat (experimental) fixed game crash when disassembling gun inside box more progress on city streets map scope reticles were precisely realigned better scrap reticle (smaller and more round) composite flashlight with blue mode now shines further and has better crosshair ai has better senses in free roaming behavior, can see further, if player is stationary far away, ai senses reduction is a bit lower removed autoheal on hard difficulty and on death player doesn't heal automatically, and max health is only 0.3 non-deadly damage if health is higher than 30% only works for sniper ammo 338LM and is moved to higher than 50% chairs near stray have proper material instead of black one Infinite Stash Size cheat player stash size increased to 100 from 70 higher adaptive combat difficulty gives enemies a bit less medkits new 7.62 sounds, similar to 5.56 previous changes enemy ai has cheap 5.56 sound if gun is crap or legacy better ammo shells sounds falling on the ground (before they sounded plasticky) random spawn enemies spawn in reachable points by ai, spawn further and roam points radius is further from player added a bit of sharpening even without painkillers desaturation gradient softer when health is low added cheat for third person camera combat (camera zooms into gun aiming) billboard and commercial wallpapers/holograms for city streets map added new green color of tentacles new mud surface where tentacles can also roam fixed big jump in city outskirts in the hills where it was too hard to get enough speed to make it added new bike routes and jumps to city outskirts to make traveling more seamless emission areas have fog again structural flashlight (red mode) repels tentacles on death Ivy is given basic supplies like medkit, surgical tools, battery, tissues, painkillers etc... reduced black-white effect on low health eggs look better from distance (fixed refraction error) enemy ai now can rush player (higher chance to start rushing if aggressive stat is high and panic is zero) fixed issue when AI sometimes hit player through concrete walls during blind fire AI doesn't try to blindfire through walls (before they did one burst of shots to test if there was wall and stopped after) fixed issue when gun in modding menu shaked a bit fixed issue when player got unstucked into rock formation in city outskirts (and ai got spawned into them too) added barefoot footsteps sound on concrete surfaces