Something Unlimited - Version 2.4.8

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Comments 4
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  1. ArthvrLima
    15 March 2020 15:41
    It's perfect, for those who like a little rpg, a good story and DC heroines with gold keys, this is the game.
    The main factor that makes the game addictive is stepping into the shoes of villainous arch Lex Luthor.
  2. John
    28 July 2017 19:00
    the above is valid but the artwork is really great plus consistant updates!!!

    plus assets are available so you can do what you want with those.
  3. Red_101
    10 July 2017 21:51
    I agree with a lot of what the above poster said. The game is top notch in a lot of respects, but it is starting to spiral into potentially too many characters. Great game though, I just wish that the established characters could be finished off before adding many more, its kind of frustrating to see Louis stuck in the same place she's been for example, but I tend to enjoy each release and seeing where the story goes. Definitely worth playing.
  4. pawlos123
    5 July 2017 10:12
    On one hand it's a joy to see new characters added. I love his take on them and it's ingenius how he's managed to take a different approach for each one based on their character. But there's obviously no end in sight with this development plan. The game would be hard to finish with the girls existing last year, and in this year he's already added Starfire, Blackfire, Raven, Miss Martian, Artemis, Cheshire, Galatea and Audrey. At this rate, when will we be able to fuck Lois? 2018. When will we be able to see Giganta naked? 2019. When will the office planning stuff have any purpose? 2020. He'll probably add Poison Ivy, Talia, Mera, Queen Bee, Circe, Wonder Girl, Fire, and Ice before any of the oldest girls are finished.We'll have to see whether the game will be finished in a couple of years or if he'll grow tired of it and drop it before that. I really hope he reins himself in and finishes the stuff he's already started. This is the most fun I've had with a hentai game and it deserves to reach a finished state.
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