So hello all! Here is our new site category - Game news! From this category you will find useful information about upcoming games, new versions, will find some arts and useful information.
Our first news will be The Doppelganger 0.4 update. This version will be relised 10 August (on I hope it will be this or the next day). And here is some news from the developer... And of course all you will read here is SPOILER!
- Rocky may have a few problems with the girls
- Because the +20$ patrons choose that Monique's job to be a stripper, Rocky will be able to visit her as a customer, but because there is no strip club with only one girl, he will be able to have fun with 2 more girls, but you need to know that nothing it's free in a place like that.
- Rocky will be able to find something about Jasmine... Will he blackmail her or he will play the role of the good guy? Who knows...
- Monique will live in Jacquie's room, preparing the room for our princess .
- You'll find a few nasty secrets about Monique and her husband who is not quite the type of guy you would like to screw with.
Also we will get lots of (hope so) new content:
- A little bit of teasing coming from Monique
- Some new sex scene between Rocky/Denissa
- A way for you and Ervin to get along and maybe share someone
- You'll be able to find out about Monique's job and also visit her.
- When you visit Monique at the strip club there will be two more dancers who can perform for you in private if you pay them enough, but if you don't have enough money you can still watch them dancing in the club, but don't expect to see too much
- We didn't had enough time to work on Jasmine/Rocky relationship too much, but for now she will clean the house quite well
- If there is enough time redo a few renders that we really don't like
- And finally fixing a few bugs left