Second Chance - Version 1.0 + compressed

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  1. Harbinger
    AduGames friend
    24 May 2021 15:53
    Good game. Not top tier, but worth the playthrough. Jessica alone is worth playing it for, and I'm not talking about how hot she is. Her dialogue is fantastic.
  2. Kamal hossain
    28 January 2021 09:51
    Well I played this game now. Here are my thoughts:

    This game is a choice based game. Very simple thing. There are options which will give you points for a special character. If you want lewd senses with that character get maximum point you can. There is another route if you don't want that character (roll model) then get minus (-) points.

    Amazing game. But be careful with that blond haired girl if you are playing in the first route. She can be very annoying.
  3. Kamal hossain
    29 December 2020 02:34
    Another VN.
    The developers of this game should make this a big game.
    The graphics are pretty good.
    A long story could make this game more interesting.
  4. calin500
    AduGames friend
    19 October 2020 08:09
    IMO there's only one sad part about this game, and that would be the lack of gallery. The graphics are good, great models, but god damn it would've been so good with the gallery option
  5. kiran
    7 March 2020 20:37
    New version is out.. Version 0.9
  6. TrulyDemented1
    10 August 2019 11:19
    I like this game but with a couple of complaints... First off, the writing seems a bit... rushed? It just seems to be clipped and stilted, instead of smooth and flowing, if that makes any sense to anyone else. Then again, it might just be me. Secondly... in this last update, the court scene. I can tell that the dev has never been in trouble with the law. LOL. First, (for anyone who's curious) they will not release you on bond before you see the judge. Secondly, you usually have to wait 2 or more days to go in front of the judge. Thirdly, it's never, in my experience, attorney requests judge acquiesces. Usually, attorney makes request, judge ponders then ups the ante. (This is why I'm big on those who do research or write what they know. I'm partial to a more.... organic story.)

    With those negatives out of the way, pretty good game and beautiful renders. The models are beautifully proportioned and it's a good concept. With a little spit and polish, this could be a REALLY good story. Looking forward to future updates
  7. jonel88
    Site veteran
    23 June 2019 05:12
    thanks :)
    18 June 2019 16:31
    jonel88, into the Second Chance - Version 0.3/game/ folder?
  9. jonel88
    Site veteran
    18 June 2019 15:14
    i placed the ipatch in the game folder but nothing
    do i need to do somthing else or place it in another folder ?
  10. Valium
    13 May 2019 22:25
    I can tell Kiran and I played it differently. There were no hot scenes for me between the protagonist, and the role model. Anyway, I like that you have choices to play your character mostly the way you'd want. The dialog is sometimes a bit off if you do something unexpected.
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