Second Happiness - Version 3.4 Fix

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  1. Patrotnik
    26 January 2019 03:00
    Jenny content version 07.
    Go school, speak with Jenny, you have 3 questions:

    1 – Homework

    2 – Volley

    3 – Lesbian.

    Start with the 1st question, DO NOT TRY THE OTHERS or you will get several Heart “?” not necessary!
    The 3 question must be done sequentially, If you didn’t get the first question heart end, you will never get the second question heart end and so on.

    First question (Homework)

    After the first heart start, the probability to speak with her alone are 1/5 so save the game at home, go school, speak, if his friends show up and don’t let you speak with her, reload and try again.
    You must get 3 Heart total, 2 start and 1 end.

    2nd question “Volley”

    Same as before, get the first heart start and save the game before ask again.
    Beware here, to get the heart end you must have won the volley game 5 times in total.
    Total Heart to collect for 2nd question are 3, 2 start 1 end.

    3rd question “Lesbian”

    First time I speak with Jenny about this question I get the Heart End.
    When you get all the 3 question heart end, you will meet Jenny out school at day time, if you don’t see her click around the wall. Talk to her, get heart start.
    Do not need no more speak with Jenny inside school.
    When you stop getting heart start (about 8-9) go Friday evening play volley, don’t try any sex move with Maia Elly, lose game, go directly to bar, don’t touch Elly’s ass. You will get automatically…
    Continue speak with Jenny out school, get several heart start, beware for hotspots..

    Choose “Wander along the beac”. From now own every Friday do the same, progress with the Jenny scenes.

    During weekdays speak with Jenny again out school, get 1 Heart start.
    Dialog will change, you ask now if he will come to the beach playing.
    Friday get another Heart start with Jenny at the beach.
    Next Friday idem, this time Jenny’s mom will call, the moon gone and you will see 4 scenes black but the dialog go on.
    Next Friday idem, get another heart start.
    Next Friday idem, get heart start and this time you can fuck her and get another Heart start.

    Repeat next Friday for better animate scene.
    During weekdays out school…
  2. Patrotnik
    2 January 2019 09:00
    I want Christmas:

    My room at night, choose ‘I want Christmas’. Talk to Lala, then go to Laura’s bedroom hotspot ‘Butt’, return to Lala and choose ‘Talk’. Return to Laura’s bedroom hotspot ‘Butt’. Continue to talk to Laura and hit ‘Butt’ watch for new hotspot ‘Poke’. Now ‘Talk’ to Lala, and choose ‘Tell about the sofa’. Now go to Workshop in town get tools (if he doesn’t give you the tools you don’t have enough stats and must reload before you chose Christmas and go back to work). Go to Laura’s room to progress.

    Come Day talk to Shantrel, then Go to the city and Lisa’s store to buy supplies ($500).

    Evening talk to Shantrel and choose ‘No’.

    Go to shop and buy beer. Then sleep. Next morning you are woken up to decorate the tree.

    Go to kitchen repeat scene until you find Shantrel hotspot ‘Pillow’.

    Evening go to shop hotspot ‘Hm’. Next go to Club Krista tells you how to mix drinks. Go to park and Thicket meet Yanga hit hotspot ‘Vodka’, choose ‘Nope’ hit hotspot ‘Vodka’, and now choose ‘Cheaper? Yes.’ Until at least $999 (if you want to drop it down to less than $500 you can get bad end.)

    Visit Brenda’s house and you will invite her over.
    Return home and go to Kitchen ‘Yes! Christmas!’ then choose ‘Yes’ to mix drinks.
    Choose ‘Offer punch’
    Brenda comes to visit but brings Jack.
    Choose ‘Talk to Jack. Hm!
    Then ‘Talk to Laura’
    Then ‘Talk to Brenda’ hotspot ‘wine’
    Then ‘leg’, then ‘wine’. ‘Grab’er, strip’er fuck’er!’ (Good end.)
  3. corndog
    24 August 2018 14:03
    Not possible to make progress without walkthrough. Too many same stupid actions every day to get new action scene. Just gave up after two days of grinding to finally get a stupid blowjob from Mom. No fun.
  4. MrNoOne129
    AduGames friend
    21 August 2018 02:01
    V 1.8 has been released 2 days ago
  5. leo_sport
    12 April 2018 01:46
    again 1000 clicks for a couple of pictures
  6. FakeJones
    8 November 2017 20:07
    Way too frickin hard to play without walkthrough. Even with walkthrough takes way too long to get to the juicy scenes.
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